Do you know the pain of HUNGER?

483,000 people in San Diego County do.

If you are among the hundreds of thousands of people in San Diego living on a limited income and find it difficult to provide basic nutrients for you or your family, you may be eligible to receive food from our pantry once a month at NO COST.

If you are able to donate, your contributions are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. Please email us or stop by.

Food Pantry

Christian Credit Counselors
5838 Edison Place, Suite 130
Carlsbad, CA 92008

Donations (by check) should be made out to Christian Credit Counselors with “Food Pantry” in the description and mailed to the address above.


Children with special needs.

Catherine’s Children’s Home (Catherine’s) is a Christian nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization, founded in January 12, 2005 by philanthropist Jerry McTaggart. Catherine’s has facilities in Rosarito, Mexico where it provides room and board and professional rehabilitation therapy and medical treatments to orphaned children with special needs.

Catherine’s began receiving orphaned children in coordination with the Mexican Department of Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF) de Mexico (link to DIF). As of October of 2012, the facility in Rosarito was approved by the corresponding authorities and is now hosting 8 special needs orphaned children. Catherine’s facility is capable of hosting 20 full time and 15 out patient children.

All services provided at Catherine’s are free and the organization is open to the local community, serving without discrimination of age, political affiliation, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability type or religious belief.